Saturday, January 13, 2024

Sylvia's Adventure !

 Let's Acknowledge Sylvia's Bravery !

To find the white heron, a massive obstacle lied ahead of Sylvia, the pine tree. Sylvia knew it well and always thought that whoever climbed that tree would see the ocean ! "What a spirit of adventure, what wild ambition !" quoted from paragraph 29. This statement shows that this tree sets a challenge significant enough to be called an ambition. Also, "It was almost too real and too great for the childish heart to bear" is a quote that represents multiple sides of the journey to the peak of the pine tree. For example, it reveals that the outcome of viewing the world from a skyrocketing altitude corresponds to immense joy and unimaginable pleasure. Another aspect of that quote is discovering the amount of bravery and courage that is demanded in order to climb the tree. That was the first time were Sylvia's bravery was worthy of appreciation. Sylvia established her bravery once more as she overcame her internal conflict; should she share the heron's spot and earn 10$ or maintain her loyalty to nature by hiding the heron from the hunter. Sylvia put her principles first and kept the white heron safe and alive.

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